About Me
Kimanii Ogilvie is a Principia College international student from Grenada pursuing a double major in mass communication and studio art. His schedule typically consists of a mix of mass communication classes and art classes, keeping his creative and communication skills in constant development. Every semester he takes on an extracurricular activity that focuses on his study, such as the Pilot, PCTV, or PAC .
Perusing photography, studio art, and graphic design within his majors. He is driven by the idea of making an idea, message, or subject attractive to a targeted audience. Through opportunities such as the Pilot, public relations, and PAC (public affairs conference) he has managed social media, practiced graphic design, and developed his photography. This semester he focuses on graphic design and social media management for the PAC board.
Kimanii is passionate about portraying ideas whether they be his own or another's. He enjoys breaking down ideas into visuals and producing an image that intrigues the consumer and satisfies the client.
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